760 Frenchtown Road, PO Box 619, Milford, NJ 08848-0619
JD Stem, Master HVACR Contractor Lic. #4246 • PA HIC #PA032216

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NOTE: If you are having a heat emergency, please call the office immediately. Do not use e-mail to alert us to an emergency. Thank you!

  Bioheat® Fuel

Bioheat® Fuel: Not Just a New Name...

iS_3350815.jpgWe've upgraded our heating oil to Bioheat® Fuel, which simply means a percentage of biodiesel is blended with conventional heating oil: in our case between 2% and 5%.

This transition at our facility began in early September 2009. It made sense to us to fill our tanks for the upcoming season with this performance-enhancing petroleum product that is not only substantially cleaner but also cuts down our carbon footprint and increases efficiency. Our supplier says it best, "It's simply the right thing to do."

This product has been on the market in other areas of our country for the past 20 years. It has been tested, tried and true, attaining the ASTM (American Society for Testing & Materials) certification. Our network of suppliers assures the product brought into Stem Brothers, Inc. will be of the viscosity and lubricity demanded by the colder temperatures in the Northeast. We also treat our oil with additives so that your equipment will run more smoothly.

We are certain you will be pleased to be associated with this green, renewable product and at the same time participate in assuring American energy independence.


Bioheat® Fuel FAQs

What is Bioheat® Fuel?

  • Bioheat® Fuel is a blend of conventional heating oil and ASTM-certified (American Society for Testing and Materials) biodiesel.

Why should I use Bioheat® Fuel?

  • Bioheat® Fuel supports American energy independence, reducing our dependency on foreign oil.
  • Bioheat® Fuel is fully tested and approved by such major burner manufacturers as Beckett, Riello and Carlin.
  • Dissolves impurities (from petroleum) that build up in tank and lines and can cause system malfunction if not cleaned.

How much is Bioheat® Fuel going to cost me?

  • Bioheat® Fuel is cost-competitive with conventional heating oil and it provides greater performance and system benefits than conventional heating oil - for the same cost.

Do I have to do anything to my heater?

  • No, Bioheat® Fuel is compatible with conventional oil heaters. No modifications are necessary.
  • Bioheat® Fuel is a blended petroleum product, so it can be mixed with existing fuel in your tank.

How do I know this is going to work when I need it?

  • Bioheat® Fuel has been used very successfully in the Midwest for over 20 years.
  • Bioheat® Fuel keeps your system running cleaner inside and out, thus improving your heater's efficiency - ensuring clean, reliable heat when you need it.


Order Bioheat® Fuel Online

You can order Bioheat® Fuel online using this convenient form.