760 Frenchtown Road, PO Box 619, Milford, NJ 08848-0619
JD Stem, Master HVACR Contractor Lic. #4246 • PA HIC #PA032216

Contact Stem Brothers


Contact Us

Fill out this quick contact form to get in touch with Stem Brothers. Need something more specific? Get in touch with us on our general contact form here.

NOTE: If you are having a heat emergency, please call the office immediately. Do not use e-mail to alert us to an emergency. Thank you!

  In the Community

Stem Brothers Employees Help Feed the Community

In the spirit of the holiday, Stem Brothers employees chipped in by donating food to The Village Food Pantry at PCOM. We are all glad to have helped out our community just as we always have and will continue to do for years to come!

Stem Brothers Initiated a Delaware Valley Fellowship Community Program


Stem Brothers, Inc. invites all worshipping congregations in our delivery area to participate in our Delaware Valley Fellowship Community Program—offering discounts on all heating fuels. Please contact us for further details. 

Stem Brothers supports hometown and local community projects throughout its delivery area

Milford celebrated its 100th anniversary in June of 2011. As part of the celebration, Stem Brothers, in partnership with the Milford Lions Club, sponsored the fireworks display. 

Stem Brothers, Inc. helped sponsor and participated in the 2009 Frenchtown Riverfest: Frenchtown Goes Green Again, which coincided with the firm's introduction of Bioheat® Fuel and Biodiesel. 

Annually, we contribute to the success of the Upper Black Eddy, PA Fire Company Carnival. 

As a member of the Delaware Valley community, we listen closely and participate in many projects as sponsors or contributors. The above is a selection of the numerous donations we make in your community. 

Stem Brothers Assists Customers through the Jack Stem Memorial Fund

Upon the passing of John E. "Jack" Stem in early 2009, we instituted an ongoing fund in his memory to assist a small number of customers facing financial burdens. 

Shammy Shine Car Washes, a division of Stem Brothers, Inc., participates in Grace For Vets

We are registered in Grace For Vets, a united front of car wash operators that provide a FREE CAR WASH to veterans and service personnel each year on November 11 to honor their past and present service to their country. 

In summary, we are proud of these sample initiatives and offer them here in order that you may gain a glimpse into your neighborly energy supplier—Stem Brothers, Inc.—since 1946.