760 Frenchtown Road, PO Box 619, Milford, NJ 08848-0619
JD Stem, Master HVACR Contractor Lic. #4246 • PA HIC #PA032216

Contact Stem Brothers


Contact Us

Fill out this quick contact form to get in touch with Stem Brothers. Need something more specific? Get in touch with us on our general contact form here.

NOTE: If you are having a heat emergency, please call the office immediately. Do not use e-mail to alert us to an emergency. Thank you!

  Credit Application

1st Name
Social Security Number
The last four digits of your SS# is acceptable
Use spaces or 'X' to skip values
Date of Birth
2nd Name or T/A
Social Security Number
The last four digits of your SS# is acceptable
Use spaces or 'X' to skip values
Date of Birth

Billing Address
Delivery Address

How many years at this location?
Previous Dealer
Home #
E-mail Address
Work #
Cell #
Primary Bank
How did you hear about us?
Type of fuel

In order to continue the delivery of energy products or services, please complete and return this application immediately. We cannot make any future deliveries without this form being returned!

Company is responsible for the delivery of Bioheating Oil, Kerosene, Biodiesel Fuel, Propane and Gasoline to the receiving pipe or outlet designated by the customer. Customer acknowledges and agrees that neither the company, nor its employees or agents, are or shall be liable under any circumstances for any damages resulting from leaks or for the failure of the receiving tank or associated piping, or any other matter.

In addition, for products and services rendered, payment in full is due 15 days from time of delivery or service. Accounts that are overdue will be subject to a 1.33% finance charge (16% per annum) if payment is not received in this office prior to 30 days. Also, no further deliveries can be made until paid in full. There is a $25.00 charge for each returned check. In the event that a collection agency or attorney is utilized to enforce or collect payment of debt, you agree to reimburse Stem Brothers, Inc. the fees of any collection agency, which will be added to the account at the time it is placed with a collection agency and may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 30% of the debt, and all costs and expenses including reasonable attorney’s fees we incur in such collection efforts.

I certify that all the information on the credit application is true and complete and I agree that inquiries can be made to procure my credit report. If this is a joint application, the undersigned shall be jointly and severally liable for any unpaid balances for products delivered, parts and/or services rendered.

In addition, initially, I request that deliveries be made to me in the following manner.

I agree that I do not have to be present when deliveries are made by Stem Brothers, Inc. and will be responsible for the payments. Also, if I am an automatic delivery customer, I authorize future deliveries and guarantee payment of them. These terms apply to all of my accounts for products delivered, parts sold and all services rendered.

Please note: On joint accounts, both parties must sign the application.

