760 Frenchtown Road, PO Box 619, Milford, NJ 08848-0619
JD Stem, Master HVACR Contractor Lic. #4246 • PA HIC #PA032216

Contact Stem Brothers


Contact Us

Fill out this quick contact form to get in touch with Stem Brothers. Need something more specific? Get in touch with us on our general contact form here.

NOTE: If you are having a heat emergency, please call the office immediately. Do not use e-mail to alert us to an emergency. Thank you!

  Troubleshooting Tips

Problem Possible Issue Resolution
Furnace won't run No power. Verify that a fuse did not blow or a breaker tripped in electrical panel. Replace fuse or turn breaker on.
  Power switch is off. Turn power switch on near furnace or at top of stairs.
  Out of fuel. Check tank gauge. If you have an underground tank measure with dip stick under 10 inches, you are probably out of oil.
Burner will not fire Out of fuel. Check tank gauge. If you have an underground tank measure with dip stick under 10 inches, you are probably out of oil.
  Need to hit reset button Push red reset button once only. If furnace turns off again call Stem Brothers.
  No ignition spark. Call Stem Brothers.
Not enough heat Thermostat could be set too low. Raise thermostat reading 5 degrees.
  Air filter dirty. Replace or clean air filter.
  Vents, dampers closed or blocked. Check all vents, dampers make sure they are not closed or blocked by furniture, etc.
Furnace making noise Access panel loose. Fasten any loose screws on access panels.
  Motor or blower needs lubrication. If motor or blower have oil ports, lubricate them.
  Burner is dirty. Call Stem Brothers to schedule your annual cleaning.